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Olaa Dirimbebe
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Date Posted: 03:36:09 07/01/17 Sat
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To read about how to do yoga and the vulva or cunt, the geniotals of girls, please scroll down.
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The Basic Principles of Physical Yoga, also Called Hatha Yoga
By Knut Holt
The Basics of Physical Yoga Exercises- or Hatha Yoga
Systems of physical exercises that can be called yoga have been developed many places and with different ultimate purposes, but the improvement of health and physical abilities is always a purpose. In many traditions, especially many of the the Indian traditions of yoga, these bodily improvements are seen as a means for a further higher spiritual goal. In other traditions the bodily improvements together with coupled mental improvements are seen as the main goal, as for exmple in the Chinese traditions.
The basic principles of physical yoga exercises are simple, however, and if you follow these principles, you actually are doing yoga. Therefore you can make your own yoga exercises that fit your own need as long as you follow the principles. In the following these are explained.
An important part of physical yoga is the breathing exercises, or pranayama. This part is in many ways the most fundamental, because the basic type of breathing is also a part of the yoga postures - the asanas. The postures consist of stretching and holding the body in specific stretched positions for some time, while breathing in a specific way. One usually do both pranatama and asanas in the same session. You can do the pranayama before or after the asanas.
The complete yoga-breath is a basic exercise upon which all other breathing exercises are based, and this is also the way you breath during the body postures. It is however also an independent exercise that you can do any time to refresh yourself. It begins with lungs in a totally empty state obtained by contracting your stomach muscles and all of your chest muscles.
Then breath in as much as you can by letting your stomach expand. Then proceed breathing in by expanding the muscles in the mid of your chest. At last complete the filling of your lungs by expanding the upper part of your chest. It is not possible to separate these three faces completely, though, and they shall also glide over into each other in a smooth way.
Then you empty your lungs completely in a similar sequence. First you contract your stomach muscles and empty as much as possible using these muscles. While holding your stomach muscles contracted, you proceed emptying by contracting the muscles in the mid of your chest and then complete by contracting the upper part of your chest.
All other breathing exercises are essentially variants of the complete yoga breath. When doing the exercises you sit in an upright position on a chair or on some cloth at the floor with crossed legs. Some of these exercises are:
- You breath in and out rapidly 8-15 times, and then hold your breath some while.
- You breath in rapidly, using 4 seconds, then hold your breath 16 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable, then breath out using 8 seconds.
- In a more complex variant of the above exercise you breath in while closing one of your nostrils with a finger, hold your breath some while, and then breath out closing the other nostril. Then you repeat it while still closing your other nostril, hold the breath and then breath out while closing the first nostril.
- You can breath in and breath out through your mouth while pressing your lips towards each other so that you get an extra pressure in your lungs. You can also press your lips together while breathing in so that you get an under-pressure in your lungs.
A yoga posture begins with your body in a relaxed position, either laying flat down or sitting right up. You empty your lungs before the posture as in a complete yoga breath.
- Then you slowly swing or twist your whole body or parts of your body into a stretched position. While doing this your breath in as in the complete yoga breath.
- Then you hold the position for a short or longer time. If you hold it long, you are breathing relaxed with the complete yoga breath method, but not in such a complete way that the breath makes you exhausted.
- Then you slowly swing back from the stretched state to the original position while breathing out like in the complete yoga breath.
Most postures are variant of these basic principles, of which a few are:
- You lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Then swing your arms up and behind your shoulders, stretching all of your body from top to toe. Then slowly sit up and swing your torso forward while stretching your arms towards your toes. If possible bend your torso all the way down to your knees. After holding the position some while, slowly sit up and then lay down to the original position.
- You lay on a cloth at the floor on your stomach, with another cloth under your lower stomach to protect your genitals. Then lift and swing your upper body up as long as possible, while also bending your head back. Push with your hands towards the floor to help the lifting and to get an effective stretch. Then slowly lay down again at your stomach.
- Sit at the floor on a thick cloth with your legs flexed up halfway towards your stomach and your knees together. Then twist your torso and also swing your head to one side, while pushing against your knee with your hands to help the twisting and get an effective stretch. Then, after holding the position a while, swing your torso back and twist to the other side in the same manner.
- Lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Swing your legs up so your feet come over your head. Then lift your torso up from the floor so that your body rests upon your shoulders, and straighten your body upwards as much as you feel comfortable. Help the lifting and holding the position with your arms. After having been in that upright position some while, descend your torso and legs again.
The classical description of this exercise prescribes that your body shall point straight up, but that causes your neck to bend unpleasantly and a great pressure in your head. Therefore it is best for most people not to straighten out completely when resting the body on your shoulders.
Yoga explained - Learn The Principles of Yoga exercises
You can find exact descriptions of yoga exercises in books and in web-sites or you can attend courses. You will probably find that the exercises are difficult to do as described in the beginning. It is however possible to do them approximately in the beginning and gradually learn to perform them perfectly.
But you can also compose your own exercises that fit your personal condition and need. To be yoga exercises they must be composed according to the principles outlined above. Weather you learn standard exercises or compose your own, you should however choose a set of exercises that will stretch or twist all your body parts.
By Knut Holt
ORGASM INFORMATION - Learn about the Types of Orgasms Women and Men Can Have
By Knut Holt
When a man or woman gets an orgasm, the good feelings in the genital area or other sexually loaded areas increase to a peak and then settle down to a lower level again. There will also be an increasing mental ecstasy that reach a peak and then settles again.
After the orgasm the person feels satisfied and relaxed, but can feel revitalized in many ways. A relaxed ecstatic state can remain a long time after the orgasm.
Physiological reactions like engorgement by women, erection by men, fluid secretions and undulating muscular reflexes also get to a peak and then settle down again. By men the orgasm usually, but not always have ejaculation of semen as a component.
Orgasm usually occur after prolonged and repetitive stimulation of sexually sensitive body zones, either physically, mentally or both. The stimulation results in nerve impulses being sent to the spinal cord and the brain and good feelings as a result. The central nervous system then sends impulses back to the stimulated area and other sensual zones resulting in all the physical reactions.
The physical reactions increase the impulses sent to the brain and the resulting feelings. The central nervous system respond by intensifying the impulses sent back with more intense bodily reactions as the result. The increased feelings also tempt the person to intensify his stimulating actions.
This way the feelings, behavior and reactions steadily intensify, often in a wave-like manner until the peek is reached. During the peak there will be many subsequent waves of intense feelings, muscular contractions in the pelvic zones and undulating body movements.
Many persons can experience a new increase of arousal when all the orgasmic reactions have settled, and by new stimulation a new orgasm can be reached. When this is possible several times without any waiting time between, the phenomenon is called multiple orgasms. Probably more women than men have this ability. Most persons, however, experience that stimulation just after an orgasm do not result in so good feelings. But with a relaxing pause of some minutes between each orgasm it is possible for most persons to have two or more orgasms.
A women or a man can get orgasm by stimulation many body areas. Orgasm by stimulation at the genital area is the most commonly occurring, but there will be reflexive feelings and reactions in the whole pelvic area and other body parts.
By women, there seems to be three kind of genital orgasm. By clitoral orgasm the process has the clitoris as the origin and the orgasmic process spreads to deeper area like the G-spot, the inner vaginal area and the uterus.
By G-spot orgasm the process seems to start in the area between the vagina and the urethra and the area around the urethra, the so-called G-spot, and spreads to the clitoris and other areas. Some women also report getting orgasm with the innermost parts of the vagina and the uterus as the center.
A man most often gets orgasm by stimulation at the penis, and especially the penile head, but the process spread to all parts of his genitals and backwards along the area around the urethra to the prostate. The whole of this area is involved in the reflexive pumping during ejaculation.
Some men can also achieve orgasm by primarily stimulating the prostate, most often through the rectal wall. In this case the reactions spread forward to the penis.
Some men and women can get orgasm with the rectal and anal area as the center, by stimulating the rectal opening and the inner lining of the anus, and especially if deep anal stimulation is involved.
Many women and some men report having orgasms upon stimulation of the breast nipples, the sensual brownish area around the nipples and the area in a wider circumference around the nipples. This area is sexually sensitive in both sexes.
A stimulation of the breast area, seems however to create reflexive processes in the genitals and in the uterus and inner vaginal area. The orgasms achieved through breast stimulation may therefore often have its centre in the genital zone, even though the breasts are the zone primarily stimulated.
The lips and the deeper parts of the mouth and throat are still a sexually sensitive area. A person can therefore sometimes get orgasm through kissing and oral sex. Also in this case reflections in the pelvic zone plays a great part, and the centre of orgasm lies probably in the pelvic area. When two person kisses, they usually also caress each other and mutually stimulate each other at many sensual body parts.
Orgasms can sometimes occur upon pure mental stimulation or as a result of mental processes. In these cases the mental process usually results in reflexes in the genitals and the orgasm will have the genitals or other pelvic areas as the centre of the process. Mental stimulation leading to orgasm is especially common during dreams. By teenage boys and men such dreams can lead to ejaculation and subsequent wakening.
Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find information about health and sexuality and presentation of natural products in the same fields, please visit his web-site:-----
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