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Subject: I did enjoy yesterday's 2003 Readers suggestion for writing the story

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Date Posted: Thursday 01/20/11 10:09:47am
Author Host/IP: ip-086-134.admin.niu.edu/

Boy, it was really a delight to see all of those old faces. 2003 makes it 12 years ago and some of the characters have really aged now and some have not. It is so sad to see that TAD has not had a decent story line in years. Dixie is GONE, I really mean gone, He needs to have a woman in his life. I am not really in favor of AMC since they have not found a good match for TAD. The DAMON they had was not a good match either. Even though I didnt like Damon at the beginning, I liked him by the time he left.
Seeing the old LIza on the show yesterday, showed how little charisma this new liza has, ther is NO match.
Seeing Adam, Maria and Edmond and God Bless Murtlye just good to see them and also the others who went to Y&R
it concluded with how empty the show has become and lifeless the new actors are in what they gave up to get what they have now.... No comparison,,, the writers of AMC have not GAINED anything over the years. NOthing

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