[> Subject: Hey Lurt! I won't tell you what the weather is here in northTX. There is hustle/bustle for upcoming Superbowl. I think Pittsburg will win, but I sure like the Packers. Hope U stay warm and snug! I'm depressed. Worried about my oldest son in Korea. Worried about my only daughter, expecting my 2nd grandbaby soon, and won't even talk to me (for the past 3 yrs). Really hurts that I'm not allowed to be a grandma. Worried about my 2nd son, age 19 who went to Alaska to live with his Dad, totally on his own now. Haven't heard from him in over 2 wks. Last I heard, he had no job, was thinking about sleeping in his car! My hip/thigh hurt from an injury, and I have no insurance. Maybe I'm just going through football withdrawal and feeling sorry for myself today! The 2 kids that are still home - Colby, 15 (named BEFORE the Colby on AMC), very popular but with the wrong crowd. Zak - totally in love with Emma and good to his mom. We almost lost him in a terrible accident a couple of years ago.