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Subject: OK - That was just DUMB.

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Date Posted: Saturday 02/ 5/11 10:35:47am
Author Host/IP: dpc6682009099.direcpc.com/

What are the writers thinking? I just have to hang my head.

First of all, where is Erica when her daughter is having heart surgery? As a mother, I would be right outside, or in the waiting room, or cafeteria, but definitely AT the hospital, phone in hand. Griff had to leave a message? Who doesn't answer their phone when their daughter is about to go into surgery? Unbelievable!

Second - Kendall struggling with all the wires and monitors, actually getting up and going out into the cold. Really? Really??? If I knew I had an aneurysm that was about to burst, and if I put myself in danger and died, leaving young children without any parents at all???....well, just wouldn't do it and don't think any loving mother would. Including Kendall. Unbelievable!!

And thirdly - in taking all those wires and monitors off of a HEART patient, all the bells and whistles would have gone off and staff would have come running with Code Blue!! Yet, nothing happened. Why have the monitors attached to make sure your heart is beating, if when you take them off, nothing happens????? Again, the writers don't seem to have thought this whole scenario through.

Sorry, JMHO. I really try to give them a break, but this was just waaaay too unbelievable and DUMB.

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