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Subject: catching up

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Date Posted: Saturday 02/12/11 2:00:15pm
Author Host/IP: pool-173-76-249-225.bstnma.fios.verizon.net/

Haven't been on here in a while; love catching up with what you all have to say.We've had tons of snow this year and I've been having lots of fires,hot chocolate and dog naps with my dogs in front of the roaring fire. Gotta love New England!Sounds like I'm the only one to be thrilled Greenlee's back. Sorry guys but I love her. It's Kendall that I'm getting sick of.You are so right about the surgery scene.Bazaar.Did any of you ever read or see Stephen King's Misery? Great book and movie; love the king.Anyway,there's this part where Annie goes off about what the writers of those old serial movies used to do all the time. They would show you a scene, say a car goes off a cliff with a person in it and the next week they would show the continuance with the guy jumping out just before it went over the cliff. And Annie yells "That's not the way that it happened - HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCKADOODIE CAR !!!!Well, it's almost like the writers want us to believe something as ridiculous as that!They must think we are morons with the IQ of a shoelace!So, of course Madison is going to screw up Ryan and Greenlee(she brought it on herself, Scott is going to fall for Madison.Erica screwed things up for her and Jack-AGAIN. And everyone knows how much I love Erica.Mountain man go back to the mountain. I,too wasn't crazy about Damon but he grew on me.I think the new Marissa is WAAAAAY better than the old one,but still not JR material.It's impressive to see how much JR cares about Annie even though he's as crazy as she is for trusting in her.I thought they would drag the Colby/handcuff thing out forever - at least until she was almost dieing from starvation.Now what will JR do?Forgive her again.Cara is very pretty but irritating. Wish she'd leave. Griff can stay.I like him for Kendall better than the priest.And by the way, I can't say I think a man of God would talk to Griff the way he did in Crystal's.The Thornbirds - great reading.But he doesn't do much for me.He does a commercial;I forget for what so I guess he didn't impress me much there either.I think it's nice to see characters without a love interest once in a while. And besides - I don't care what you all say - SOMEDAY they're going to listen to me and bring Dixie Belle back!!!
definately David and Liza - the mean team.Of course it will be Colby and...what's his name.Want to see more of Opal!Guess Jesse just forgot all about Angela,huh?The least they could do is show him talking to her or going to visit her on the weekend!Love my man Brot.Still like the new Bianca so much better.Jake better not screw things up with Amanda, but no doubt that's where it's headed.Ahhh what would we do if we didn't have our soap to complain about.Sammi,I was so sad to hear you are not doing well and have so many things going on.I remember reading how many kids you have a while back and I thought"she's so lucky".We never really know what another is going through, do we?I will pray for your children and you.This too shall pass is a favorite verse of mine.I lost one of my sons 5 years ago and his brother needed someone to blame so he blamed me as well as his sister a bit.He was not a nice person at that point in his life.We hadn't talked in a few years he got so bad.But,praise God,he went to a wonderful therapist for 3 years and he is now a son I am so proud of.I enjoy every minute of the time I get to spend with him.I pray your daughter comes to her senses because she is robbing her children of a loving grandmother.God bless you one and all. Candy

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[> Subject: I like Greenlee, too. In fact, I started watching again after a 2 year absence when she came back from the dead. Annie plays crazy really good. The priest is on an insurance commercial. Thanks for the comments! My daughter had her baby - a boy. I heard about it through my oldest son, who is back in the USA from Korea. The one in Alaska is planning on joining the Marines. Great. We had a winter storm here in Texas and closed down the schools. But now its nearly 70 out. Nice to see Erica and Jack's wedding again. Can someone tell me, though, what happened to Reggie and Lilly?

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Date Posted: Sunday 02/13/11 11:26:07am
Author Host/IP: dpc6682162018.direcpc.com/

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[> Subject: My problem is that I often associate a character with the actor or actress playing the part, therefore: I can't stand Greenlee. When Sabine Singh was Greenlee, she was wonderful. She had chemistry with Ryan and they "toned-down" her bitchy, rich little girl personna to the point that I enjoyed "Greenlee." Now that TPTB "sold out" to Rebecca Budig and moved the show to LA to accomodate her (my opinion, no proof), I can FF through all the scenes that involve Greenlee and Ryan. I'm tired of the game that Erica is playing with Jack - really like Krystal with him. I even think Tad and Cara is refreshing. Don't like "nu" old Scott, don't like "nu" Marissa and I pray that Frankie isn't the father of Madison's baby. Amen!

Little Libby
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Date Posted: Monday 02/14/11 4:56:57pm
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-aa14.proxy.aol.com/

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