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Subject: You tell 'em Girl!! Tell us how you REALLY feel! Don't hold back!

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Date Posted: Wednesday 06/22/11 3:20:53pm
Author Host/IP: dpc6935112190.direcpc.com/
In reply to: Little Libby 's message, "Well, I haven't commented on the show b/c I thought I'd get on a roll and not stop. Here's my opinion: the WORST awards show - ever! I think Susan Lucci should have been pissed with the terrible "tribute" and the graphics they used looked like a 2nd. grader did them. And, Oprah, I was never a big fan, but you should have shown up for this "big" award. I went to a taping of her show and she is the epitome of "Diva." She lost an eyelash and the entire production stopped until they found glue (from an audience member) to fix it. Oh My. And it was like a telethon, also. I have no problem with recognizing all that Daytime tv does, but if I had taped it, between the interminable commercials, useless tributes and fund -raising, I could have watched the show in about an hour." on Wednesday 06/22/11 12:38:02pm

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