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Subject: IT IS DONE !!!!!!!!!

candy (sad)
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Date Posted: Monday 09/26/11 8:22:46am
Author Host/IP: pool-108-7-67-150.bstnma.fios.verizon.net/

As our Lord said at his crucifiction - IT IS DONE. I miss it already.I had heard how it would be picked up to be seen on the internet buthadn't heard anything since so thought it wasn't to be. Glad to see otherwise. AND - my daughter tells me we can hook the laptop up to the computer and get it to come out on the big screen!I definately didn't like the way they had JR acting towards Dixie - and everyone else but especially Dixie.Maybe he shot Angie if she isn't coming back. i would hate to lose her and Jesse. Anyone see the cast on the view? It was great.I was hoping Babe would come back but they left the identity of the other female patient a mystery.too. Did you notice David just happened to be at Adam's party so he can hopefuly bring back whoever was shot by JR? I also wonder if at the last minute JR decided to turn the gun on himself.I thought it would be a really bad ending in many ways with so many unanswered questions surrounding several characters if it was not going to continue in some way, shape or form.I was very happy Angie got to see the other side of David and he went out a semi-good guy. I like him.
Glad they brought Stuart back. Did not like the way things went down with Erica and Jack one bit.I wanted to slap her and you know how much I adore Erica!!!!Horrible ending. Please keep this going so we can keep updated as to any new developments about OUR show!!!!

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[> Subject: OHHHHHH Candi, the ending gives hope,,,, And yes, it would be more interesting with such a cliffhanger to make us want and look forward to more, I thought JRE turned the gun on himself too, and it was enough loose ends for it to go another 40 yrs. Now it could open with Erica in Hollywood and that good looking KITT slowly moving in on Erica, that seems like a given but back in Pine Valley, Jackson hooks up with Krystal and yes Babe is one of the unspoken remainder people left. THE WRITERS SHOULD ASK SOME OF US ON THESE DEDICATED PAGES TO SUBMIT SUGGESTIONS, AFTER ALL,WE THE FANS DO HAVE A VESTED INTEREST, AND IT COULD BE NEW CONCEPT SHOW A WAVE OF THE FUTURE. THE AMERICAN SOAP OPERA IS TOO VALUABLE TO LOOSE.

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Date Posted: Monday 09/26/11 11:56:23am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

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