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Perhaps you swam here, waded through the shallows, or walked across the sand dune landbridge at low tide. But however you arrived at the mysterious island, you find yourself standing on a long beach, the waves crashing and roaring against the sand. The sky ranges from crystal blue to sapphire and every blue in between. Not far above you, a cliff leads to a sort of plateau, where you see a small herd of horses, silhouetted against the amazingly blue sky. Excited, you seek a path and find one almost immediately, leading upwards. You are most surprised when you reach the land you seek: the grass is such a shade of green, all the trees full of leaves and locious fruit. The air is surprisingly cool for midsummer, but warm breezes occasionally rustle the leaves. The mysterious island is bathed in a warm light and a sense of peace comes over you. And, being an island, there are no predators large enough to harm a horse here, so the calm is not false. You raise your head as a stallion approaches you. A sturdy, powerfully built black stallion, radiating an aura of cool power, stands before you. He smiles at you. "I am Dream Titan, the Leader of the Herd. Enjoy my home. I must warn you though, this place is a strange place to newcomers. There are legends and tales. You shall come to love this place." The stallion turns and canters gracefully back to his herd.

::Lord of the Isle::
:Dream Titan:

::Lady of the Isle::
:Looking For One Of Worth:

::Back-Up Stallion::

::Back-Up Mare::

::Beta Mare::

::Beta Stallion::

::Gamma Mare::

::Gamma Stallion::

::Delta Mare::

::Delta Stallion::

::Subordinate Mares::

::Subordinate Stallions::


::Excused Absences::

::Inexcused Absences::

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