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Subject: Active player needed

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Date Posted: 20:52:20 09/14/04 Tue

Name: Evan Crichton

Nickname: Ev

Age: 6

Gender: male

Siblings: Keagan (age 15), Samantha(age 12), Kaela(age 9), Arianna (age 3)

‘Street family’: Sebiya age 5), and Amaranth (age 15)

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair slightly long, with vivid blue eyes. Same eyes as his older brother, bright blue. Has a light scar down his back and arm from various wounds. Also has one down the back of his neck starting on the lower part of his head gained from a bottle being smashed there when his mother was drunk (he was only 3ish)
Personality: Friendly well sorta, he likes kids, but he fears adults. He is depressed, doesn’t like adults, and can have quite the mouth on him if he gets pissed off. he has some anger problems to say the least. He is a vicious little kid, most of the time, but can be very sweet. Not good around strangers. Very mature for his age, acts much older then he is. Very street smart.

Past: he comes from a large family with 4 other siblings. His mother was a druggie, who slept around, meaning none of his siblings share a father. His mother not even sure who his father is. Raised in a slumish neighborhood in NYC, his oldest brother was his only real parent he had. His mother was abusive of them all, and put everyone in the hospital at least once with some form of major injury. About 2 years ago his mother was arrested for her drug use and abuse of her children. The custody went to his sister’s Father (Ari’s dad). He wasn’t any better then the mother, abused the kids badly. Kea took everyone and ran away. They lived on the streets since.

Extra: he is always being teased by his siblings about ‘liking’ Sebiya because it annoys him. though he does seem to overly worry about the girl. He does what he can to help her, though it seems to annoy her when she feeling fine. He is slightly fond of the younger girl

He fears his eldest sister (Sammy) she picks on the younger kids… he can’t really stand her. And when Sam and Kae fight he normally separates himself… out of all his siblings he is closest to his eldest brother… (As in attachment)

Feel free to play with his personality though I want the Sebi and matureness to stay, as well as his dislike of his sister. Please don’t drastically change him.

A practice post will be needed for him, if you like to post what you would post to the thread going on now go right ahead
He lives Sur Del Cielo Establos under barns, there is a link that says apartments, his is under Keagan’s apartment

Linky http://www.geocities.com/minuit_min/Apartment/Mainpage.html Kegan’s apartment. hmm think that all his info… I might make him a table… donno yet please if you take him you MUST be active… I will take him away for inactivity… as well as playing him in a way that I see completely off… I will be lenient for his personality since he not completely developed yet… but I will not let inactiveness pass

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Subject Author Date
umm anyone?Me16:13:40 09/20/04 Mon
Re: Active player neededNicole15:16:29 10/01/04 Fri
  • oops -- Kea, 16:35:47 10/07/04 Thu
Re: Active player neededKaz02:31:35 10/09/04 Sat

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