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Subject: Well-worded, semi-expierienced player needed...(two horses)

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Date Posted: 11:09:15 12/28/04 Tue

As for requirements, I ask only that you know proper grammer, punctuation and spelling (however, we all make mistakes). I would prefer someone who can post lengthy, despcriptive posts if needed, but can also post a minimum of one paragraph per post (although i am not a school teacher and will not hold you to this, but we all dislike one-liners).I would ask you to do you best in the sample post (and a sample post you must have), and be completely honest in you RP history (just give me an approximate date of when you first started to play). You can play both, or just one. There are plenty of horses where your living so it won't be an issure of playing with yourself for too long.
These characters (and their owner are most likely going to be around for a time, so if you don't feel that you will be able to hold on for very long, please do not post.
Here they are:

Name: Astralies
Age: 5 years, 10 months
Gender: Mare
Status: Recently had her 2nd foal, and is in full health.
Breed: Straight Arabian
History: Was born peacefully on a weathy farm just south of Louisville, Kentucky, to a champion mare and award-winning sire. Designated at a younge age to become breeding stock and nothing more, she was trained in only the basics of pleasure and hunter seat equitation. She was sold soon after the weaning of her first colt (a now well accomplished yearling), to a more northern farm after a bad birth. Recovered nicely from the trauma and desease, she was bred again to a not so well-know stud by the name of King's Guard. Her owners happy with the breeding, they sold her off to the woman named Tash; who bought Dam and foal for a heafty 60k.
Social Bearing: Raised by the brooding herd at her birth home, she is a very social creature; easy to love, and easy to begrudge. Like most mares of her heritage, she has a firey temper that is easily ignighted in the spring and summer. However, she is a very willing and giving mare; and despite her decided fate as a broodmare, she has shown great promise under the saddle.


3 Years

Name: Alliah
Age: 4 months
Gender: Filly
Breed: Straight Arabian
Status: Healthy and Vetted
History: Born healthy on a farm in southern New York, she has known little else then her mother's soft touch and the veterinarian's cold utensils.
Social Bearings: Not much can be gathered at such a young age; however, this filly seems quite fearless and is a brave perticapant of any game she can join or create. She shows great promise and both stamina and personality.

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Subject Author Date
AstraliesKalie12:48:25 12/28/04 Tue
AlliahNeca16:53:49 12/28/04 Tue

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