Subject: Chestnut arabian mare needing well worded player |
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Date Posted: 15:22:57 12/30/04 Thu
Right i need the number of years you have rped and a sample post

True Voice of a Harmony
Flame hued
Personality: shes Intelligant and witty, she loves to jump and do dressage, but manily Nicola judged Novice dressage, but nearly alway competes in pro dressage
Apperance:Firey red pelt, her mane and tail are long and thick, Nicola spends ages braiding them
Abilities: Nicola and Haromany have a natural talent in jumping and dressage, they have a really close bond
Other: After next show Nicola is planning to breed her
you can use this post to work of:
~*Hazel optics serched the mare for imperfection, soft skilled hands twisting the last braid into rings, she carefully used water to flatten stray hairs, Harmony could be impatient beofre shows, She carefully checked the tail removing the gaurd to reveal a fine plaited tail, She checked the mares tack, the saddle had already been put on and the stable hand had been holding the bridle, quickily she polished her breeches and put them on, she comanded the stable hand to pass the reins and pulled down the stirrup irons, she carefully mounted, entering the practise ring, she changed rein, gave and light dig with her heels and set forth in a canter around the ring*~
only active play please
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