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Subject: Ever wanted to rp an Orca?

Pod Player
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Date Posted: 09:34:58 02/09/05 Wed

Orca #1

Name: You Choose
Age: About 33 yrs now. (They live to about 75)
Gender: Cow (Female)
Calves: Has had 4 so far but all have died.
Persona: She is the most friendly Orca in the pod. She gets along well with humans and is playful. She loves calves as well- often plays surrogant mother to some.
Other:She is able to be bred & is the lowest ranking female in the pod

Orca #2

Name: You Choose
Age: 11 yrs (Just became sexually mature)
Gender: Cow (Female)
Calves: None so far
Persona: She is very friendly but often shys away from newcomers. She is very social and hates being seperated from the other members of the pod. She is the dominant females daughter so she doesnt mind causing a little trouble with the other young orcas.
Others: She is secretely pregnant & the trainers will not know until she gives birth.

Orca #3

Name: You Choose
Age: 3 yrs
Gender: Bull (Male)
Calves: None
Persona: You choose
Other:He is not yet sexually mature. Orcas at this age usually start to venture from their mothers.

Orca #4

Name: You Choose
Age: 18 yrs
Gender: Bull (Male)
Calves: Orcas #2 & #3
Persona: Dominant male, punishes orcas who step out of line in HIS pod. He is very well behaved when it comes to training though.
Other: Can get any cow pregnant -except his family members of course-.

Orca #5

Name: You Choose
Age: 16 yrs
Gender: Bull (Male)
Calves: Father to the unborn calf within Orca #2
Persona: You Choose (Non-aggressive though)
Other: Should be a good father & shows affection towards the mother of his unborn calf.

Orca #6

Name: You Choose
Age: 24 yrs
Gender: Cow (Female)
Calves: #2 & #3
Persona: Easily aggitated when removed from pod. She can become aggresive towards trainers but nothing fatal. Dominant personality.
Other: Can become pregnant at any time & is dominant cow in pod

Orca #7
Name: You Choose
Age: 13 yrs (Sexually mature)
Gender: Cow (Female)
Calves: None yet
Persona: She is very sweet & loves to jump and play with the other orcas. She stays clear of whale #6 though.
Other: She can become pregnant at any time & she loves to be riden.

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Subject Author Date
Orca #7's PicturePod Player09:38:45 02/09/05 Wed
Fantastic!Pod Player11:00:10 02/17/05 Thu
Great!! >>>URL<<<Old Pod Player07:01:19 02/20/05 Sun

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