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Subject: needed dark dragons (activity is a must)

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Date Posted: 18:14:59 04/22/05 Fri

any breed will do! make up your own character but Aransanda prefers keahis dragons just so you know. I will make sure that posts remain active but would prefer posts with more then three or four sentences. be descriptive and have fun with it. evil can be fun and when we have enough I hope to attempt to take over the lights.

stuff about
Curse: Aransanda
Nickname: Death
Lineage:Keahis Dragon
Mirror Image: the deepest blood red, darkest splotches of red upon ridge of back dripping downwards to meet with tip of ribs in places like rivulet of blood. a claw on the second joint of wings. eyes reflect light causing them to glow when breathing fire. she has three rows of spikes along her back the outer ones smaller then the middle. stands at a good 50 feet with 40 foot wing span. razor sharp fangs and claws.
Story: rebel leader and creator of chaos.
Personality: sadistic, cruel twisted sense of humor, cunning, sharp as a whip, fiery temperament( easily angered) holds grudges and loves to create turmoil. not one to cross, has no trust in anyone and will turn on an ally faster then you can utter your prayers if upset. lives for the fight and pick one when there isn't one. will give the slightest amount of respect when forced to but will always test the lines of what is acceptable until she has proven to herself her leaders worth.

note: any character you make will be in her army and she is the lead.

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Re: needed dark dragons (activity is a must)ups18:51:17 04/23/05 Sat

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