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Subject: Male wolf needs player..

Passion's Player
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Date Posted: 19:20:48 04/23/05 Sat

Name: Satu (Suh-two)
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Persona: He is very protective over his mate Passion. He is even more cautious now that Passion is pregnant with their first litter of pups. She is due any time now. He doesnt appreciate males getting to close or too friendly with Passion, he shows his love for her. He is a great hunter, his father having taught him everything. He is fairly out-going when it comes to most things, only aggressive when he has to be. You can decide on the rest.

Note: They have been mates for almost a year now, they grew up together. They left their pack to start their own, Passion and Satu being the alpha pair, shortly after they left, Satu's parents and the rest of the pack were killed by hunters.

His mates stats...(below)

Name: Passion
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Persona: She is a very sweet and caring wolfess, friendly to all. She shows her love for Satu and is dedicated to him. She loves to play, though pregnancy doesnt allow the same amount of activity. She can often be seen next to Satu's side, preparing her den or resting in shallow water.

A smaple post would be great. It doesnt have to be lengthy..

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Satu's Pic (Try #2)Passion's Player19:22:01 04/23/05 Sat

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