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Date Posted: 11:59:09 11/17/06 Fri
Author: Dawn Jones
Subject: Life is full of ironies.

Life is full of ironies.
Today I got a call from school “your daughter screamed and yelled at our support staff to leave her alone.” She wished to write a test on her own merit without the open book option and they pressured her to accept help. A week earlier I received her brother’s IEP which states that he is “working toward independence” so they removed most of his human supports. This same week I called the school about my eldest daughter struggling nightly with homework to find out was receiving extra tutor time each morning but that it occasionally occurred during her instructional math period. This “help” leaving her with a large homework assignment and no idea how to do it. Is help really help if it isn’t wanted or is doing more harm than help? IS independence a goal or an excuse? What is a parent to say to the school when they call?
#1 has social and academic challenges and the professionals feel she's doing fine even though her panic attacks have increased. #2 has social issues and her ODD outbursts are increasing so they wish to keep her in regular classroom to learn to cope. #3 has friends but they suggest he'd flourish socially and academically in a special class in another town. #4 is not raising any eyebrows yet-does this mean trouble?
LOL. Oh well, at least my kids love me and aren't boring. :)

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