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Date Posted: 07:01:03 10/30/03 Thu
Author: Charter
Subject: New list of categories

I met with the executive committee last Tuesday10/21/03 . Attached please find the
new list of categories.20 categories. We figured..5 min for each award = 1
hour 30 min.
5:00pm to 6:00pm silent auction
6:00pm-7:00pm sit down dinner
7:15 pm silent auction ends
7:30pm Award Ceremony...followed by auction winners
The tickets will be $50.00 for sponsor/donors and $25.00 for producers and
we will have 25-30 round tables, a red carpet
Entertainment will go on during the silent auction..producer David Witham
will provide music and Beverly Shield will entertain/sing as Judy Garland
Bill Zillinger is working on the SAVE THE DATE postcards as well as the
Eliza Gozar from Councilman Carroll's show is working on the invite list and
will assist with the PROGRAM ...see Bill Zillinger ...Artybill@earthlink.net

The "ladies"from 4you network are going to sell some Tables of 8 or 10 to
corporate sponsors,
Sunny Nash is bringing in the PCA (Public Corporation for the Arts), they
will provide 10-15 pieces for silent auction as well as their mailing list.
We are trying to team up with the Chamber of Commerce for their "list"
I met with The chef from the Long Beach job corps yesterday...Ethel is
talking to her today to get a better price etc...
The "Big Mouth TV" girls will assist/ the presenters of the awards.
Later I will send out a notice for everyone to bring/submit 5 names of
DONORS for silent auction
Also, everyone needs to submit names for invitation list.

We also need to choose an MC/and or Celebrity Personality...

We need to choose judges
We need to find a trophy company/companies in the city, who would like
participate via sponsorship if possible and/or discount

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