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Date Posted: 18:50:45 11/28/04 Sun
Author: KaRi from TPSradio on LBCT
Subject: LBCTelevision Awards LBCTawards.com

Long Beach Community Television Awards 2005

LBCTelevision's 21st Anniversary
Fundraiser March 12, 2005 6pm
Nordic Lounge, LBCC, Long Beach, California
Buffet ~ Silent Auction ~ Program LBCTawards.com

The NORDIC LOUNGE is located at LB City College
4901 E Carson Street Long Beach, California 90808.

The Cable Access Television industry was founded in Pennsylvania in the late 1940's and thirty years later, it was widely offered to residents across the USA. Today LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION is one of the strongest TV stations in the nation. Over eighty local residents volunteer to produce over 200 hours per month of independent programming for those residing in Long Beach and Signal Hill, California. When LBCTelevision programming ends at 9pm, the station lends its ear to CSULB's student internet station, KBEACH.org, while the LBCTv Community Calendar rotates on the screen until the next afternoon.

The City of LONG BEACH along with CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, The FOR YOU Network, and OUTFLOW, Inc. were proud sponsors of the 20th Anniversary of LONG BEACH COMMUNITY TELEVISION last year. Politics, education, entertainment, religion (5+ denominations), gay and lesbian news, sports, disability resources, environmental issues, travel, atheism, activism... All of these topics have been produced into subject matter for public consumption in English, Spanish, Khmer, French and Samoan and Sign languages.

The TWELVE AWARD CATEGORIES included BEST: Live Program; Documentary/Special; Entertainment; Informational; Educational; Religious/Spiritual; Talk-Entertainment; Talk-Issues; Sports; Travel; Children's; Multi-Cultural; and Best New Show.

Long Beach Community Television is spear-headed by LBCT's JUDY BAKER, with support from RON PETKE, Production Manager at CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS. The awards show would not have been possible without the LBCT crew going above the call of duty: DOUG WOOD, DARREN GABER, CRYSTAL BURDETT, KEN ESTES, ROCKY KITCHEN, DAVID PLUSKAT, ISRAEL NEAL, ERIC SARRAF, FRANK EUYOQUE, RANDY SALTON and Staff/Producers PAULA McCOLM and NIAMO BATCHELOR. LBCT Staff is responsible for quality production, playback, and training new TV Producers!

DR. GARY THOMAS SCOTT was the MASTER OF CEREMONIES and Celebrity Guest FRED BERGENDORF from "The Pet Place TV Show" appeared and Volunteer Producers who were nominated and appeared included DARRICK SIMPSON, BEVERLY SHIELDS and DAVID WALTHAM. "Big Mouth TV" and "Boom Boom Video" hostesses JAZMINE BIZZOCO and VENICE VENTRUSA presented the awards and T-LILLY's TYRA McNAIR, hosted as well. Thirty Producers were nominated for awards in 2004. The nomination deadline is December 2004 for the March 12, 2005 Awards.LBCT Media Contact/Tix: JUDY BAKER, Supervisor 562-595-5228

You can watch LBCT on Cable Access TV Channels 65, 69, 95 provided by Charter and the City of Long Beach and Signal Hill, California.

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