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Date Posted: 08:08:02 05/31/07 Thu
Author: germanangel.com (Community Television Production.)
Subject: Volunteers are needed from during the following times

Community Television Production.

Raw footage for postproduction and recording to tape

Volunteers are needed from during the following times:

Wednesday June 06 2007 time: 3:00 pm -6:00 pm
Monday June 11 2007 time: 6:00 pm -9:00 pm

Studio Location: 2935 Redondo Ave, Long Beach, California 90806

We rely on the assistance of local volunteers who enjoy working on team projects. You'll find that once you crew on a show, you may get bitten by the TV bug and start exploring the many facets of public access Television.

If you have had TV experience, great! If not, we welcome you just the same. A few simple classes will give you the skills needed to help finish Multi-Cultural programs and talk - entertainment shows to be aired on Charter Comunications Cable Channels 65,69,95 and Time Warner Comunications Channel 77 for the Los Angeles Area from Pasadena to Santa Monica, CH 98 for Eagle Rock, Sherman Oaks and Hollywood. CH 43 is for Beverly Hills. Channel 3 for Marina Del Rey and West Hollywood.

Our first shows appeared on Community Television in Long Beach California Charter Communications channels 65.95.69. Today, We are on public television in 57 communities, including Los Angeles, New York City, the Washington D.C. area, and Austin, Texas.

German Angel
TV Producer
(562) 761-7117

Television crew positions :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_crew

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