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Subject: Re: PLM 13

Billy McGee (P.L.M. 13)
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Date Posted: Sunday, January 27, 02:00:49pm
In reply to: Vernon R697530 's message, "Re: PLM 13" on Saturday, January 26, 10:32:52pm

The P.L.M ships belonged to the French Société Nationale d'Affrêtements and all their ships had the prefix P.L.M. After the fall of France, a number those ships which escaped were taken over by the British MOT, later MOWT and placed under management of a number of British companies while retaining their original prefix and number. P.L.M-13 was a cargo ship of 3,754grt, built in 1921.

According to the late Arnold Hagues database, P.L.M-13 took part in the following convoys:

Convoy BB.50 (Jul 1941: Belfast Lough - Milford Haven)
Convoy BB.78 (Sep 1941: Belfast Lough - Milford Haven)
Convoy BB.305 (Jun 1943: Belfast Lough - Milford Haven)

Convoy EN.41 (Feb 1942: Methil - Oban)
Convoy EN.96 (Jun 1942: Methil - Oban)
Convoy EN.135 (Sep 1942: Methil - Loch Ewe)
Convoy EN.224 (May 1943: Methil - Loch Ewe)
Convoy EN.314 (Dec 1943: Methil - Loch Ewe)

Convoy FN.618 (Jan 1942: Southend - Methil)
Convoy FN.726 (Jun 1942: Southend - Methil)
Convoy FN.787 (Aug 1942: Southend - Methil)
Convoy FN.1009 (May 1943: Southend - Methil)
Convoy FN.1189 (Nov 1943: Southend - Methil)

Convoy FS.109 (Feb 1940: Tyne - Southend)
Convoy FS.128 (Mar 1940: Tyne - Southend)
Convoy FS.183 (May 1940: Tyne - Southend)
Convoy FS.682 (Dec 1941: Methil - Southend)
Convoy FS.813 (May 1942: Methil - Southend)
Convoy FS.877 (Aug 1942: Methil - Southend)
Convoy FS.1087 (Apr 1943: Methil - Southend)
Convoy FS.1244 (Oct 1943: Methil - Southend)

Convoy HG.11 (Dec 1939: Gibraltar - Liverpool)
Convoy HG.27 (Apr 1940: Gibraltar - Downs)
Convoy HG.59 (Apr 1941: Gibraltar - Liverpool)

Convoy HS.21 (Jul 1942: Halifax - Sydney CB)

Convoy KMS.22G (Jul 1943: Liverpool - Gibraltar)
Convoy KMS.36G (Jan 1944: Ex OS62/ KMS36 - Gibraltar)
Convoy KMS.37 (Jan 1944: Gibraltar - Port Said)
Convoy KMS.38 (Jan 1944: Gibraltar - Port Said)

Convoy MKS.25G (Sep 1943: Gibraltar - Liverpool)
Convoy MKS.102G (May 1945: Gibraltar - Liverpool)

Convoy OB.333 (Jun 1941: Liverpool - Dispersed 40.20N 34.40W)

Convoy ON.4 (Aug 1941: Liverpool - Dispersed 52.40N 47.26W)
Convoy ON.23 (Oct 1941: Liverpool - Halifax)
Convoy ON.64 (Feb 1942: Liverpool - Halifax)
Convoy ON.88 (Apr 1942: Liverpool - Cape Cod)
Convoy ON.104 (Jun 1942: Liverpool - Boston)
Convoy ON.130 (Sep 1942: Liverpool - NYC)
Convoy ON.134 (Sep 1942: Liverpool - NYC)
Convoy ON.160 (Jan 1943: Liverpool - NYC)
Convoy ON.163 (Jan 1943: Liverpool - NYC)

Convoy ONS.7 (May 1943: Liverpool - Halifax)

Convoy OS/KMS.62KM (Dec 1943: Liverpool - Convoy Split)

Convoy SC.36 (Jul 1941: Sydney CB - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.42 (Aug 1941: Sydney CB - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.51 (Oct 1941: Sydney CB - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.53 (Nov 1941: Sydney CB - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.76 (Mar 1942: Halifax - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.83 (May 1942: Halifax - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.93 (Jul 1942: Sydney CB - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.108 (Nov 1942: NYC - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.122 (Mar 1943: NYC - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.124 (Mar 1943: NYC - Liverpool)
Convoy SC.134 (Jun 1943: Halifax - Liverpool)

Convoy VN.51 (Jul 1944: Augusta - Naples)

Convoy WN.221 (Dec 1941: Oban - Methil)
Convoy WN.287 (May 1942: Loch Ewe - Methil)
Convoy WN.319 (Aug 1942: Loch Ewe - Methil)
Convoy WN.413 (Apr 1943: Loch Ewe - Methil)
Convoy WN.491 (Oct 1943: Loch Ewe - Methil)

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Subject Author Date
Re: PLM 13Ian A. BlairThursday, October 06, 10:13:24pm

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