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Subject: Re: Prescot

Glenn Baker R779822
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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 07, 05:53:56am
In reply to: mick wisher 's message, "Prescot" on Wednesday, April 09, 10:49:22am

Laurie I except your views but it still remains a fact that many of us do not know what happened to all our Contribution to the N.U.S. Two jags did very well out of the Union, and I was not out here in the so called Colonies while in the british merchant navy and paid my Union dues at the start of each voyage. Many of us left to sail under Canadian Australian and New Zealand flagged ships to get Job Security and a chance to be able to buy a decent house, which was totally out of my scope on british ships. There are many unanswered questions about the National Union of Seamen. In my books there should have been two Unions one for Catering and one for Deck and Engine because the work was so diversified that no real issues were ever accomplished. I mean who santioned the multi purpose agreements and who let all foreign crews under different flags of registration take place.I do not mean to offend you in any way, but we were sold out and in a big way , all the Best Glenn

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Re: PrescotRoger Wolfe in Tassie R713695 (4 Glen)Wednesday, May 07, 06:35:16am

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