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Subject: Re: Prescot

Glenn Baker R779822
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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 07, 11:39:25am
In reply to: mick wisher 's message, "Prescot" on Wednesday, April 09, 10:49:22am

Thanks very much Taff mate, I get dispondent that some of the chaps think we,re running the Old Country down, , that is totally wrong in my eyes, Im just sad that England has gone the way it has, I wouldnt dream of running the place down,but I hear from very independant sources of People in the UK about what is actually happening over there and how tight money realy is etc, plus the loss of nearly all manufacturing Business,s. It all seems a terrible shame after The UK fought so hard alongside all the other Commonwealth countries to beat off the Germans and the japanese to try and retain a better World for us all and yet they have now been more or less sold off to Europe. getting back to the Merchant navy, Im very certain it wasnt wages and Unions that ultimately led to the end of the MN as we knew it it was modernisation and the Building of Giant Container Ships and Huge oil Tankers and a good deal of greed by Companies that amalgamated and then registered under Monrovian Flags, we managed to hang on to our shipping a few years longer over here and New Zealand simply because our crews stuck together and Banned foreign Flagged ships trading on our Domestic Port to Port markets, we knew it was going to end but we made it last as long as possible, in that way I can only say the Unions and the Officers Associations both fought to retain our Ships of our own Flag. so in no way would i run the old country down. all the best Glenn

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Subject Author Date
Re: PrescotDave Spencer (Dave Spencer R786690)Wednesday, May 07, 10:54:11pm
Re: Prescotjohn strange (4 all)Thursday, May 08, 07:38:15am

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