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Subject: Re: M.N. Memorial

KG (Lest we Forget)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 27, 11:31:33pm
In reply to: keith 's message, "Re: M.N. Memorial" on Tuesday, May 27, 11:10:09pm

They Bore the Brunt
By Joe Earl

They sailed the seas to bear the brunt,
They steamed the courses laid,
Ten thousand miles their battle front,
Unbacked and undismayed.
Fine seamen these of our great race,
From your seaport or town,
They risked their lives with danger faced
Until their ship went down.
Remember them - they held the line,
Won freedom on the way,
Remember them - their life was thine -
On merchant navy day.


With permission from Captain Joe Earl.

We hope to advise the press this year in advance, it is a shame that many do not know and many cannot attend. There are a lot of regional services that take place and we urge the media of all forms to assist those that can no longer manage to attend either to broadcast or report to enable them to see wether from home or retirement home etc, and to remind those that do not know, have fotrgotten or simply do not care.

As the Merchant Men and relatives age, it becomes increasingly harder for them to attend etc and although, I saw an increase of younger people last year at Tower Hill and the tears in one youngsters eyes, the only mention was in some regional papers. Please if you know anyone in the media ask them to make a report. This in remembrance and for those that can no longer via age, health or wealth etc be there. K.

Certain Brian will post a report on MN Day 2008, any one attending, will see you there. K.

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Subject Author Date
Re: M.N. MemorialMike LawrenceWednesday, June 04, 10:29:52pm

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