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Subject: ~ ^ ~ Dance of the Phoenix ~ ^ ~

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Date Posted: 20:18:31 03/08/03 Sat

+the yellow and black firebird peals in at high speeds, speeds not even a profeshonal stunt driver could handle for the quick and persise turns it made... finding a compleatly secluded spot that they had been at only days before, the car pulls onto the sand and shuts off, the young redhead steps out in a near daze, stumbling slightly in the sand... she stumbles her way to the waters edge, geting back up every time she fell to her knee's... still fighting the tears that slid down her cheeks, makeing her eyel;iner and maskara run... she moves into the water, not bothering to even take off her thick leather boots... she wades into the waves till the water was to her waist...before leting her body slip beneath the black, churning waters... Red hair spred out as her body sliped from the air into the icey water+

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.:.Follows.:.Zeth19:42:04 03/09/03 Sun

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