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Date Posted: 21:18:24 11/04/03 Tue
Author: Angelina Uris
Subject: *Angel With Broken Wings*
In reply to: Terry Steel 's message, "::lovely::" on 19:19:23 11/04/03 Tue

*Looking at the file after she stripped the gloves and put on another pair she frowned* "It's possible..." *She said softly* "The swelling will go down. I can work the stitches so there will be a light scar but nothing too serious. Her knee will never be the same, but will work. And again...bruising is gonna have to go away with time. We better start on that knee while she's still under though." *Says this as soon the proceedor started. Another painful two hours later the deed was done. She was cleaned, sticthed, and pieced together the best the head nurse could do* "Okay...clean up, add a few more miligrams of pain killers, add a pint of blood and then stay watch. I've got a baby to deliver." *Says this as she gave an apolgetic look and dashed off she'd back shortly to check on the girl*

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