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Date Posted: 11:31:27 09/24/03 Wed
Author: Zeth
Subject: .:.I'll take on anything.:.
In reply to: Angelina Uris 's message, "*I'll Take You On*" on 16:11:10 09/23/03 Tue

.:.Watching the soap opera show spread out in from of him, he stayed immobile in the doorframe of the lounge area, merely watching and debating what to do. Briallan was smart, or, had been. But he wasn’t so sure anymore. She’d lost all street smarts she’d had before, but this was just another chance for Zeth to let her go and fall from his life. He was getting a second chance, and he was sure it wasn’t the last one. As the female continued towards the door, without realizing it he stepped into her path. ‘You’re not going anywhere if I have something to say about it. You have a kid, and don’t you dare think you’ll be leaving him with me’ He loved Bleidd more then anything else, and wouldn’t mind keeping the trouble maker, but he wanted him to have a mother, his own mother. Not someone Zeth chose. ‘You can come stay with me if you insist on getting out of this place, but I cant let you go out into the world with nothing.’ .:.

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