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Date Posted: 04:45:10 12/16/99 Thu
Author: Stuart
Subject: Reports from Inverkeithing

Yesterday I visited the small town of Inverkeithing in Fife, Scotland. It was here on 19th September 1937 that the sripped down hull of the Olympic was towed. The yard of Thomas Ward & Co. still exists as does the office that was there on the site at the time. No ship breaking goes on
there now but the scrapyard is still fully active. In the entrance hall of the administraive building there is a wall with the names of all the ships broken there. The Olympic was one of hundreds they have demolished but her name was written in bigger letters than most of the others, though it was hard to see as a large ships wheel and two telegraphs
retained from another ship where placed in front of it as ornaments. I asked at the enquiry desk if anything is known to survive of the Olympic and the answer was, unfortuately, nothing. The yard has broken up several ships since the Olympic and the scrapyard is very full, so any
items, if found, would almost certainly be impossible to distinguish. I did get some photographs of the basin where the hull would have been towed and of the Olympic's name on the list of broken up ships. I had been wanting to take more like some from the Forth Rail Bridge but the battery in my camera ran out. I will be posting the pics that did come
out when they are developed.

P.S. would any of you object to me putting a link to this forum on my website? http://users.classicfm.net/rmsolympic

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