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Subject: And I thought everyone loved the Irish!

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Date Posted: 17/09/06 6:44pm
In reply to: WuckFit 's message, "Re: Poor "Irishman"..." on 14/09/06 9:31pm

Shows you what I know.

Something about her posts is really starting to bug me too, though I can't quite explain to myself what it is about them. Maybe if I read more of them I'd get a better idea, but that's not something I'm in any big hurry to do.

Anyway, I start my new job on Monday. Which is actually an old job back at the community services department where I worked before. They need a new office technician and hopefully I'll get quickly promoted to fill that position, otherwise I'll still be looking for something better paying if it's going to be worthwhile and mean being off to graduate school next year owing less money instead of more than I do now. Otherwise I'm just enjoying some cooler (and therefore more coffee-friendly) weather here in California for a change. All my friends have either moved away or spend every minute they're not at work playing World of Warcraft. Something I've no interest in joining in on. So I'll have to make some new ones apparently. Too bad I couldn't take any Austrians home with me.

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Back in the US of A,,,,,,,,,Strega (singing)18/09/06 7:45am

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