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Subject: Re: EastMD - China's medical, pharmaceutical, and herbal industries

Japhet Okafor
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Date Posted: 09:55:05 05/27/02 Mon
In reply to: Jing Guan 's message, "EastMD - China's medical, pharmaceutical, and herbal industries" on 02:36:40 04/04/01 Wed

>Dear Sir/Mdm,
> As China’s entry to WTO will create a
>new development and climate to the global
>pharmaceutical industry, and therefore, we hereby
>sincerely invite your company to visit and join us as
>a member of the EastMD portal, at
>EastMD is an information and services portal
>connecting China’s medical, pharmaceutical, herbal,
>and biomedical sciences industries to their
>international counterparts.
>The EastMD portal, the only portal established with
>English version in China, published in English and
>Mandarin, is targeted at international firms that seek
>entry into the Chinese market, that wish to sell their
>products into China, and that source Chinese products
>for distribution in their countries.
>EastMD publishes news and business intelligence on
>China’s medical and pharmaceutical industry and
>regulations of the State Drug Administration and
>Ministry of Health – vital information for your
>company to engage China’s marketplace. EastMD offers a
>unique online registration and patent service, and
>provides consultancy services in import and export,
>marketing, product sourcing, agent sourcing, and
>contract manufacturing. EastMD provides a catalog
>showcase of Chinese healthcare products, with product
>manufacturing and shipping specifications detailed.
>EastMD has experienced professionals and advisors who
>have excellent long-standing working relationships
>with the various Chinese manufacturing and regulatory
>bodies in the medical and pharmaceutical industries,
>such as the State Drug Administration and Ministry of
>Visit http://en.eastmd.com.cn/ and find out how EastMD
>can help your company access the world’s largest
>market (and a list of products in our B2B platform
>which you will find interest).
>Meanwhile, should you need any assistance, please feel
>free to contact us at enquiries@eastmd.com.cn
>Thank you.
>Warm Regards,
>Yours faithfully,
>Guan Jing
>General Manager

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Subject Author Date
Re: EastMD - China's medical, pharmaceutical, and herbal industriesDr. omid sadeghpour23:20:08 07/17/02 Wed
Re: EastMD - China's medical, pharmaceutical, and herbal industriesInnoledge International Ltd18:06:10 11/04/02 Mon
Re: EastMD - China's medical, pharmaceutical, and herbal industriesInnoledge International Ltd18:06:30 11/04/02 Mon

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