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Subject: Re: 324 messianic prophecies???

Lil Marty
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Date Posted: 07:29:22 07/04/01 Wed
In reply to: Eliyahu Silver 's message, "324 messianic prophecies???" on 05:14:00 05/25/01 Fri

Hi there

Interesting stuff, but all you've really proved is that the Baptists are a bunch of credulous buffoons, which we already knew!!

I agree that a lot of these "prophecies" are nothing of the sort, but the messianic prophecies that even Judaism accepts were fulfilled by Jesus -

1. Of the royal line of Judah (through both Joseph and Mary)
2. Born in Bethlehem (when the Magi visited Herod, he asked the priest where the king would be born - they told him Bethlehem).
3. Despised and rejected
4. Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
5. Killed as a criminal
6. Lots cast over his clothing
7. Not a bone of his body broken (this was unusual, since it was common for the legs of those impaled to be broken to accelerate death).

While most of the scriptures quoted in the Baptist site highlight Jesus' characteristics, these above deal with physical events that Jesus had no control over, so he could not have staged his fulfillment of these.

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