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MysticRiver Valley
...Hooves carry you over the black and brown patch work.. You're quick two beats breaks into a swift and steady three beats, sending you swiftly marching forth.. Your journey has been a long one, but its too late to turn back now.. Soon the brownish earth becomes green, Lyrics emit from your maw in song over the whole new world in front of you.. Break kicks into your march as you fall to a stand.. Funnels perked to alert as paper thins push rapid breaths to and froe.. Blinking lazily, the herizon burns before your optics, your tired thin pools allow you to notice a large herd before you.. A dainty mare of porcelain stature appears and greets you into the mystical lands of the River Valley..In the distance a shadowed area lays, where light never touches it.. The pits of hell.. The decision remains yours to stay or leave... P>
** Treasured Beauties ** P>
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