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Subject: Message on Kendo | |
Author: Russell Cranford |
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Date Posted: 21:05:04 07/18/04 Sun Dojo pop up here and there and everywhere all the time but a very small percentage can remain succesful. What must precede a dojo for kendo is an adequate culture for it to take root in. U of A becomes more cultured every year but maybe not fast enough yet. I really think it is amazing that Kendo ever existed at U of A even temporarily. It is truly a testament to the hard work and tenacious spirit of a few individuals. An, and Steve deserve so much credit. One day, the culture even here in Arkansas, will be such as to support their vision. But that time is not yet. Maybe next generation. But anyone who reads this should remember An and Steve's vision and contribution here in the natural state. Any dojo founded for the pursuit of excellence in Kendo, when it is time in the future, here in the Natural State, should be named in their honor I reccommend. God Bless all you seeds scattered in the wind who remember inspirations they got from Steve and An's dojo, however brief your stay was, such as mine. In peace and love, Russell L. Cranford [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |