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Subject: to get a good point in kumdo | |
Author: 360 ^^ |
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Date Posted: 17:39:24 07/14/03 Mon To get a good point in Kendo The most important condition for a good point in Kendo is whether or not the attack can cut the enemy’s body or kill the enemy. To cut the enemy’s body, a player should hit the exact target point with good timing and enough power. The three required abilities to hit the right point are these: knowing one’s own attack range, reading the enemy’s actions, and controlling one’s body well. Each player has his or her own distance in which he or she can attack most effectively. Longer distance makes the attack weak and the enemy notices it. Moreover, it sometimes can’t reach the target. On the other hand, shorter distance makes the player miss the point because it is very difficult for the player to read the opponent’s action. Besides, the part of the blade closest to the handle is not sharp enough to cut a bone, thus it is difficult to make a good point in a short distance. Short or long distance also makes the player’s posture unstable, which makes a player use his or her power ineffectively. To get good timing, the player should read the opponent’s mind or anticipate his next move. Usually, even in a good player, breathing is changed when he or she is going to attack. At that time the other player can read and expect his opponent’s next action, and thus he or she can makes a very good counter attack. Besides, most common players have their own habits when they are going to hit targets. Some of them watch the points that they want to hit, and some just contract their bodies a bit. When players catch opponents’ in these behaviors, they can make good timing because they know when opponents will attack them. To make enough power, the player should use the lower part of his or her body, but not the arms or shoulders. It looks easy to use the upper body for power, but it causes many misses because it makes it difficult for people to control their power. However, using the lower body makes the whole body fast and effective, which gives the attack enough power along with easy control. In conclusion, to cut the enemy’s body, a player should hit the right point at an exact moment with effective power. The right point means the easiest point to cut a body or kill a person. Players have to remember that the proper hit can only be a point. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |