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Date Posted: 19:59:42 08/04/07 Sat
Author: Darkdevil
Subject: Re: Alone
In reply to: Belle 's message, "Re: Alone" on 10:38:32 08/04/07 Sat

>>>To Delphiniums surprise she gets no reaction from the
>>>other horses.Its almost like shes not even there.
>>>she ever find the stallion for her? or will she be
>>>forced to be beautiful and alone for the rest of her
>>Darkdevil walks up behind the mare. He nips her in the
>>flank and watches her spin around. "What's a beautiful
>>mare like yourself doing here alone?" he asks slyly.
>>"What's your name? I am Darkdevil." says the tall
>>pure black stally.
>Well um you must be a arabian like me then but im a
>blue roan well i used to be
>what about you baby

Darkdevil turns around to see a beautiful white mare standing before him. "Well, hello beautiful. What might your name be? They call me Darkdevil. I am a pure black Arabian stallion." he says sweetly.

Darkdevil:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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This is my mother:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And this is my father:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"My mother used to be a prized show mare until she got loose one day and my father got to her. He would breed to her every day, even when she wasn't in heat and would kill any colts or fillies that were not up to his standards. Her owners found her after she had me and took her back to their home along with me. Since I was sired by a wild stallion, I was wild too and they couldn't break me when the time came so I was sent to a Rodeo and was used as a bucking bronco. I have never trusted humans since then. I got loose one day and found my father. He raised me the rest of the way and then kicked me out of the herd. I have been on my own ever since. What about you?"

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