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Date Posted: 15:43:29 09/24/08 Wed
Author: Sundance (angry)
Subject: A stallion and his mares

Age:4 years
History:Sundance was originally captive and lived on a rich mans farm were he was a stud. He sired many champion foals and when he escaped, the old man offered thousands for his return. He never got him back and finally gave up. Sundance now gives to mares what he believes is "pleasurable". He has split personalities though.

Age:3 years
Gender: Mare
History: Wild from birth, joined Sundance when she met him when he first escaped. She seems to enjoy his form of "torture" and is like is assistent mare stealer. She has helped to steal Blanca and keep her captive.
Quarter Horse

Age:2.5 Years
History:Blanca was stolen just as a foal and stolen many times by different stallions. Now she is in Sundances herd and has yet to be rescued by a kind stallion.
American Mustang

Age:4 years
History:Kuri was released by her former owners and was found by Sundance. She is constanly running from him and trying to escape. She is deathly afriad of him. She runs whenever she gets the chance but never succeeds because he tracks her down. She seems to be his prized pleasure mare because she is the only other arabian. He still prefers Moon over her though.
Spanish Arabian

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