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Date Posted: 20:48:26 08/18/09 Tue
Author: HorsesAlways (excited, happy)
Subject: Re: Stallion joining
In reply to: HorsesAlways 's message, "Stallion joining" on 14:19:18 08/18/09 Tue

>Age-3 years
>Breed-American Quarter Horse
>Mane/tail color-black
>Markings-White star
>Hoof color-Black
>Eye color-Dark chocolate brown
>Personality-Protective, calm, swift
Sample post-Ace sighed and took a drink of water from the stream in front of him. For hours he had looked at his reflection and wondered if he'd ever get to join a herd. He'd passed several other herds, but every time he asked the lead stallion if he could join, he told him to ask the lead mare, so Ace did. Every single time he asked the lead mare, she'd either glare at him and say 'no', or they'd give a cold look that sent Ace running. He ran for so long that one time he accidentaly went deep into the forest, where he was now. He took a last sip and looked up, getting ready to travel some more. But instead of moving, Ace gasped at what he saw. It was probably the msot beautiful mare he'd ever seen. Suddenly Ace felt shy. He ducked his head and tilted his ears to the side to show that he didn't mean any harm. Ace heard the mare chuckle and say,"It's all right, there's no need to be shy." Ace lifted his head and looked at her eyes. All he could see was kindness. Blushing, he asked,"Who are you?" The mare took a short drink of water and replied,"I'm Freedom. And who might you be?" Ace cleared his throat and said,"I'm Ace." Freedom pawed at the water, then said,"Are you in search of a herd?" Freedom looked at Ace, waiting for a reply. Ace sighed and said,"Yes." Freedom smiled and beckoned him toward her. "Come along,then, and I'll take you to a place like never before. Soon you'll have friends, protection and maybe, just maybe, some family." Ace fought back tears and said,"My parents are dead." Now it was Freedom who looked shy,"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Ace managed a smile and said,"Oh it's okay." Freedom then lead Ace through the forest and into the most wonderful place Ace had ever seen. Some mares watched over their bouncy little foals, while some waited to give birth, munching on grass. Young colts play-fighted and a few stallions watched over the herd. Freedom smiled and said goodbye, then went off to tell the herd leaders about the new arrival.

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