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Date Posted: 20:55:22 08/18/09 Tue
Author: HorsesAlways (excited, happy)
Subject: Re: Joining
In reply to: HorsesAlways 's message, "Joining" on 14:08:29 08/18/09 Tue

>Name-Starlight Dancer
>Age-4 years
>Breed-American Paint Horse
>Color-Black and white
>Mane/tail color-Black with white at the top and bottom
>Markings-Snip and two stockings
>Hoof color-Light brown
>Eye color-Deep brown
>Sample post-Walking along a river bank, Starlight
>Dancer, or Bella, looks at her reflection. She sighed,
>wondering if she'd ever get out of the forest and join
>a herd. Suddenly she heard hooves clopping on the
>leaves. Starlight Dancer looked up and saw the
>prettiest mare she'd ever seen in her life. When the
>horse spoke, her voice was like a song, "Hello there,
>I'm Freedom. What is your name?" Starlight Dancer took
>a deep breath and said, "I'm Starlight Dancer, but
>like my friends, you can call me Bella." Freedom
>looked Starlight Dancer in the eye, but instead of a
>cold look, Freedom smiled at Starlight Dancer, calming
>her. "Come with me, and I'll take you to a place like
>never before. There you'll have a home, friends,
>family even." Starlight Dancer thanked her and
>followed her out of the forest into an immense field
>with mares watching over their bouncy foals and a few
>stallions standing guard. Everything was warm and
>friendly, and Starlight Dancer thought she could see
>her mother and father, Eratic Starlight and The Sunchaser.

Interesting facts-The name Sunchaser is from the the series Unicorns of Balinor.

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