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Subject: Adventuring

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Date Posted: 20:50:34 06/28/03 Sat

*Flare stands on a high rock, his head alofted agaisn't the silhouette sky. He looks over the sand and the rocks, trying to see further through the rocks. He closes his eyes to block the sand from creeping in, but it was no use. He walks slowly down the rocks, trying not to set any loose rocks in motion. A few small stones and pebbles shift under his weight and crumble down the steep cliff as he descends down*
*Eventually he reaches the bottom, where he finds cactus' and desert plants blooming in the sweeping sands. He steps carefully through the sand, his hooves filling up with the sand. He leans down to sniff the sandy ground to check of intruders or passing wild dogs*
*He looks back to Shadow and Azteca*
"Shadow, Azteca. I smell some other horses here....just be careful where you go"
*He says cautiously*
*He swings his head around and see's a dollop of horse dropping near a rock*
~There are other inhabitants here. I must protect my lead mare, daughter, and my only herd mare. Something tells me these other horses are not friendly~
*He thinks worriedly, then heads back up to Shadow to tell her what they should do*

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Re: AdventuringShadow and Azteca17:37:27 06/29/03 Sun

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