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Subject: Comes back (Everybody please read)

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Date Posted: 00:12:35 08/03/03 Sun

*Flare walks back from the Youth Forest near the Wetlands sadly*
Why did that tree have to claim her life? If I lived in the Wetlands, I could've been able to reach her quicker and she might've survived
*But then another emotion in opposing comes in*
No matter where you were, the accident was inevitable. I shouldn't be beating myself up about it
*He thinks again*
Shadow must be heart broken. She might be feeling as guilty as I am
*He canters upwards to the highest rock and looks above at his slowly growing herd in pain, letting his feelings of his lost daughter fire in side him*
*Then, out of the blue, Flare see's a twinkle behind a desertous rock*
An eye...that is an animals eye....
*He thinks. After all the events of today, a threatening animal just had to come along...*
*Flare walks over, heightening his head trying to make himself look more dominating. He pinns his ears back so they reach the sides of his poll and looks behind the set of rocks*
*He see's many creatures hiding, and suddenly they lurch out at him and start ripping at his nose viciously. Tis a wild pack of hyena's*
*He swings his head side to side trying to make them let go. Eventually he throws one to the ground, rears up then comes down courageously on it, leaving deep deathening hoof marks on the motionless body. He shakes his head side to side and rears again and another Hyena is thrown down the steep cliffs to the sand, killing another*
*A hyena comes up behind him and starts to bite at his flexible leg bones, ripping the skin of his back left leg. Flare bucks wildly at it and it flies down over to a few feet away, dead. The other hyena's back off, leaving their dinner for later, as Flare knew they would be back*
*Flare canters down, to meet Shadow, Whirlwind and Spiral chatting*
"I am sorry, Shadow, Whirlwind and Spiral but I am afraid that we must move to a different area of the desert due to Hyena packs"
After the great ordeal of today this is great just to top it off...
*He thinks sarcastically*

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Re: Comes back (Everybody please read)Shadow10:56:53 08/03/03 Sun

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