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Subject: The Sun Rises

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Date Posted: 20:28:06 08/06/03 Wed
In reply to: Flare 's message, "Gallops" on 16:56:45 08/05/03 Tue

*Flare slows the herd to a trot as in the distance he can see new land. Afew kilometres away, there is an area of rocks, with green desert plants, and it looked far greater, wider and better than their last area*
This will be perfect
*He thinks, then slows them to a walk as they near the area, worried about Agate as she is very slim and probably won't survive another few nights in the harsh weather. He watches the sun rise behind them, as they were in the westerly area and the sun rose in the east. The beautiful colours subdued by the sun making Flare think instantly of Shadow, Mysterious, beautiful, sly, and a neverending cycle of love*
"This shall be our new home"
*He says, a tremble in his voice of thinking of Shadow. But not wanting anyone to notice, he clears his throat and takes a bite out of the desertous plants, the morning sunshine red's, yellow's and orange's gleaming on his bright and glossy coat*

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