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Subject: The Rains

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Date Posted: 00:27:05 08/17/03 Sun

*Flare stops grazing and throws his head up abruptly. His orbs focus on the dark storm clouds overhead*
It only rains in the desert approximately once a decade. I better enjoy this
*He thinks as the water droplets fall down onto the herd and deepen into the sand. At first it nearly instantly evaporates at the heat, but as the clouds covered the sun it pours down. Flare begins to rear and buck at the rain, enjoying the wetness he had longed for, for so very very long. Then, taking on his responsibility as herd leader, he makes sure that the other horses don't mind staying in the rain, because back in the wetlands they would've normally sheltered but since this happens so rarely Flare loved the rain*
"Shelter under the rocks if you don't like the rain"
*Flare whickers to his humble herd, then after they have moved he continues to buck and rear in the rain*

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Re: The RainsShadow16:09:03 08/17/03 Sun

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