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Date Posted: 15:02:21 04/04/02 Thu
Author: Cally
Subject: A chance meeting???

Wow! Talk about freaky! On Good Friday, Logan and his buddy brought a stray female German Shepherd puppy home. She had a collar, and was very well taken care of, so I knew she was someone's pet. I didn't want to just shoo her off, fearful she would be hit by a car. So, we put her in the backyard, put some posters up, called the pound and the paper, looking for her owner. Easter weekend passed, and still no sign of her owner. We decided to give it one week, and if nobody claimed her, we were going to keep her, since we had all already gotten attached.. hard for me, since I'm not a pet person. We named her Easter, in honor of the time we found her.

Monday afternoon, while taking her for a walk around the block, a man came out of his house and asked where we had gotten her from. My heart sank! I explained what happened. He said that she was his, and she responded to him. Then, amazingly, he stopped talking and grew pensive. He said he really didn't have room for her, and if we wanted her, we could keep her. I was flabbergasted! The boys are thrilled! I think its going to be a very good thing. Marty Jr. has been more responsive and active with the family since we've had her than he ever has before!

The little bugger has already taken over the house, and we went out and spent $100 on toys, grooming and food for her.. LOL! She's already spoiled rotten, but she is also very gentle and loving.

So, a chance meeting, or the hands of fate giving us a tool to reach our son in the disguise of this very sweet, silly dog?

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