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Date Posted: 15:02:02 08/25/02 Sun
Author: Cally
Subject: Well, I guess we can use this board for catch ups, like a Christmas letter..

Ok, here's my catch up..

I'm doing much better after the meningitis. My memory seems to be coming back (no more late payments on my bills!) and my hearing is just about 100%.

Around the house, we redecorated the entire main floor of the house. Paint and wallpaper in each room. All that's left to do is find matching curtains and some painting in the kitchen. I can't believe how much better everything looks. I'm taking before and after pics, and when I'm done, gonna post them on my website. I'll give the URL then.

This past spring, we built a small pond in the back yard with one of those kits. It's got 3 pools, 2 waterfalls and a fountain.(and a partridge in a pear tree?!? LOL!) We placed slab stone all around, and filled up the spaces between the stones with soil, and planted flowers all around it. We've got a few fish in it, and snails. The snails are reproducing! It was a lot of hard work, but worth the effort when we have dinner in the back yard, and can listen to the small waterfalls gurgling.

The kids are almost back in school. What a relief! LOL! Since we spent all the money on redecorating, we didn't take a vacation this year. It seems as if this summer has dragged on forever. Logan is as brown as a berry, and we can't keep him home for anything. He's growing up so fast! Marty Jr. is growing up fast as well. Now, all he wants for b-day and x-mas presents are electronics!

As the one year anniversery of 9-11 draws near, I'm wondering if it has changed the way any of us are living our lives? That event, coupled with my brush with death, has certainly changed my outlook on some things. Before, I was such a skinflint, squeezing every nickel till I drew blood. Now, while I still save for the future, I've loosened up quite a bit, and am enjoying life now, instead of fretting about the cost. I'm also taking more pictures of my kids, instead of always putting it off till later. I've learned the hard way that life is so precious, and oh, so very short! Just like the song says, everything can change in a New York minute.

Well, that's whats happening in my little corner of the world. How about you?

Love ya,


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