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Date Posted: 09:49:33 09/21/08 Sun
Author: Cloudy (curious)
Subject: Re: Searching for a lone stallion
In reply to: Prince 's message, "Re: Searching for a lone stallion" on 20:12:27 08/16/08 Sat

A perlino stallion watched as another stallion attacked a man and his horse. He followed them into the woods and watched for a chance to snatch the mare.

Minutes later...

Cloudy couldn't stand it any longer, he walked into full view of the stallion and let his tool drop, showing that he was going to have this mare whether he liked it or not. He walked over to the mare and sniffed between her legs and walking up to tug at her mane. He mounted the mare, just waiting for the stallion to do something, but just as the stallion moved forward, Cloudy thrust himself forward breaking the mare open, blood poured over him as he made his way to the mares cavern. Through a mouthful of the mares mane, he told the stallion, "Come any closer and I'll really make her scream." He continued his humping making it enjoyable for him, but not for the mare.

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