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Date Posted: 18:59:21 02/27/09 Fri
Author: China and her horses (business-like)
Subject: New Day

China woke early to head to the barn and check the mares. They were deep in heat and ready to be bred. She could hear the stallions making noise in their stall in the next barn "room." She took both mares by their leads and tied them outside, she didn't want to use the corral just in case a fight broke out. She took Blue Bull out first. His name was very well earned, he was as strong, angry, and as mean as a bull. He was ridable, but only by very strong and knowing riders.

Blue Bull pulled at the lead in his attempt to break free and run to the mares. A sharp jerk and a slap on the rump quickly stopped his pulling and fighting. The doors opened and China led him to Cherokee, the little mare with quite an attitude. He lifted his tail and pawed the ground. She showed the whites of her eyes and tries to turn, but she was held by the short rope and couldn't turn her rump away. Bull snorted and dropped his tool, but China held him back. He pulled but she took him in slow circles until he pulled his tool back in. She led him back slowly and get began to get angry. Just what she wanted. He kicked and pulled away from her just as she unclipped the lead from his halter. He reared and dropped his tool again before coming crashing down onto the mares back. Her tail was planted firmly between her legs and he had to pry it out. He did his business and dismounted, before remounting and making China think he wasn't done.

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