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Date Posted: 21:39:07 05/04/09 Mon
Author: Legend
Subject: Wanting a mate and herd...(perferably a dark stud)

Legend gallops into the valley, tail and mane streaming as she goes. Her gorgeous bay and white coat shimmers in the sun as her crystal blue eyes take in the scenery. She whinnies for all to hear. The famous show mare finally escaped from the horrid home she only knew.

The ranch where they made her work and show and never get a break until she got it right then they would let her out with a few other mares and a stud for a few hours hoping she would get pregnant, but being only 2 years old at the time, she couldn't reproduce and the stud didn't even try. Then they would lock her up in a stall until they would work with her again. Her owners would beat her if she did bad and only give her a pat if she did good. It wasn't enough. Yes, she won every class they entered her in and she was known world wide, but she doesn't care. The stupid stable hand finally left the gate unlatched and she escaped to the wild. Yes, her owners will probably find her, but they will never catch her again. She's finally FREE!

Now just turning 3, Legend haults on top of a small hill and looks out at the vast land and herds, looking for a stallion and herd to accept her. She whinnies again and awaits an answer.

Paint horse II Pictures, Images and Photos

Name: I'm A "Legend"
Age: 3
Breed: registered APHA
Height: 16.2hh
Color: bay and white with 2 blue eyes
Sire: Strikin Up A Legend
Dam: I'm A Darker Shadow

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