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Subject: **swallows** That is just gross. They're leaping about.

Willow the Grossed Out Otter
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Date Posted: 16:21:21 03/18/01 Sun
In reply to: Irfan, Shah 's message, "Home base jobs" on 12:27:23 01/29/10 Fri

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Sing a song? Any ol' song? But...it has to describe what I see? **looks around** um....ok. **Is thinking, is really thinking** I can't come up with songs right on the spot though...alright first, I was thinking about something in a story by Edgar Allen Poe, **swallow** Here goes:...Well, you're going to have to look inside, this stupid thing won't fit. I won't be replying for a while though, because my Dad takes the modem away for the week cuz' I'm not doing so wonderful in school. See you.Star the Hare/Willow the Otter17:09:05 03/18/01 Sun
    She went into a coma/Her family saw her there/ Her skin was pale/And cold-ish/Her wellness had been fair/They said/She had died/Her beat they couldn't feel/But in the olden days/The doctors couldn't heal/So they buried her alive/Had a funeral too/And when she finally woke up/In a coffin/She knew/She was under the earth/Where there was no air...**swallows** I can't think of anything else.Willow the Otter Who's ON THE INTERENT AGAIN! :)00:47:34 03/21/01 Wed

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