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Subject: more ranks CLUNY

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Date Posted: 02:48:47 03/18/01 Sun

Cluny you need more ranks (Falados has metioned this before) in Fort Mossflower they have hugr ranks they have a chronicle we should have that to. With all the reporters and stuff

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I think I said that before, I'm doing it at the end of the month. By the way, I'm going to be busy next week so no update next Saturday. (NT)Cluny07:34:11 03/18/01 Sun
Forget about that, I can update next week. Right, I've made more ranks now. It's not as big as Fort Mossflower's ranking system but now instead of 4 ranks, we have 10 ranks which is based of FM's ranking but simplified. No-one has changed their ranks now except for Ryffe who is now a Trainee which is the new rank between Rookie and Fighter. (NT)Cluny09:45:24 03/18/01 Sun
Berkin, I have recieved your Fort Mossflower Chronicles submission...I'm in charge of that...you may send in your article now...High Councilor Falados10:23:36 03/18/01 Sun
hmm...Falados10:43:02 03/19/01 Mon
Falados, what is Fort Mossflower? It sounds cool. Can I get in on it? (NT)Ryffe19:22:32 03/20/01 Tue
Fort Mossflower is an even bigger club and inspired me to make this club. It's at www.fortmossflower.net and sure join. It's a fantastic place. (NT)Cluny20:34:14 03/20/01 Tue
Hey Falados this is a idea for thre Fort Mossflower chronicle. You should do a survey on the ages of people or just the High councilors ages. I think it would be interestingBerkin03:11:49 03/24/01 Sat
Berkin, I'm the most POWERFUL high councilor in Fort Mossflower, but I'll have to ask Mariel about that...I'm not in charge of the Ft. Mossflower Chronic...I gave it to someone else... (NT)High Councilor Falados03:53:14 03/24/01 Sat
Ryffe, it is just as Cluny said, Fort Mossflower has 433 members so far...more activites, romance boards (on its way), armory (weapon shop, I'm the creator of that)...and so on...it's quite big!!! (NT)High Councilor Falados of Fort Mossflower03:55:38 03/24/01 Sat

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