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Subject: Hey everyone

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Date Posted: 06:33:28 04/22/01 Sun

You really should go to this site!!! It is www.geocities.comholt_garraway2Main.html.

It is a really good site.
It also needs members!!!!!!

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I joined! Can ya guess who I am?Willow the Otter02:40:56 04/25/01 Wed
Are you Star the Hare??????? or Swift?????Berkin06:32:13 04/25/01 Wed
Moogers!! How did ya guess? I'm Star the Hare, I couldn't be Willow cuz' **glares** someone already had that name. **goes to sulk in a corner** (NT)Star the Hare/Willow the Otter18:41:39 04/25/01 Wed
Willow\Star if you come to our club you can be Willow and we are hoping to have a High Council there and the next 2 members we get will be in it(if we get on). SO PLEASE JOIN!!!! We have 2 members so far(not enough)Berkin06:56:25 04/29/01 Sun
**eyes go wide** I'm coming!!! I'm coming!!! (NT)Willow/Star20:41:17 04/29/01 Sun
Hurray!!!Berkin08:09:02 05/03/01 Thu
**sniiiiiifle** My brother busted our computer before I oculd join, he was tring t clean up space and deleted a driver file. Can I still join? **sniiiifle again** and about the birthday party, well, COLLY'S MISSING!!! GONE!!! HE SNUCK OUTSIDE AND WE CAN'T FIND HIM!!!!! COYOTES EAT KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **SOB!!** (NT)Willow the Sad Otter23:41:51 05/04/01 Fri
**squeazes Colly** I FOUND him!!!! Mom was driving my brother to this thing, and I went upstairs and started sobbing. Then I went to the bathroom to get some tissues and when I looked out the window there he was!!! I ran outside and picked him up and was crying VERY hard, I could hardly tell him how worried I was! (NT)Willow the Happy Otter01:50:05 05/07/01 Mon
since your still going to join our site do you want us to take off the information off this site and put it onto or site???? (NT)Berkin & SunStream06:50:46 05/08/01 Tue
That is terrific!!!! I am so glad you found him!!!!!!!!!!!!I have borrowed WaterShip Down fro the scholl library. But have not started to read it yet. Did you get my attachment in my e-mail? It was a pic of Smokey Joe for Colly. If you did not i will re-email it. (NT)Berkin09:21:32 05/08/01 Tue
**shakes head** No I don't think I got it, but I'd really to see it. I'd send you a pc of Colly, but there aren't any good one's that will show up when we scan them in. Oh yes, and if you like Watership Down then come to http://www.geocities.com/watershipclub (NT)Willow the Otter00:38:25 05/10/01 Thu
ARE YOU COMING????? or do you want us to take off your info off this site????? PLEASE JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NT)Berkin & SunStream03:01:04 05/13/01 Sun
I'm going I'm going. Whee! Augh! **dodges spank on the bottom** Off I go!! (NT)Star the Hare01:48:55 05/14/01 Mon

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