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Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)
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Date Posted: 14:38:57 09/04/14 Thu

I’d been round the block a few times and I knew what a wedding ring meant. That little band of gold on the left hand told me that my, ever so attractive, new employer was a married man. He was just so polite and considerate to me that I found myself becoming over fond of him, against all my better judgement.

The last person, I had lived with, had been very cruel. While we had lived together for five years, there was no real affection in the relationship and I was glad when a speeding bus had dissolved that unloving partnership by running over my un-loving “other half”. That’s how I came to be in the refuge. There was just nowhere else for me to go. I couldn’t stay on in the house on my own and my dead ex’s children had no interest in seeing I was well looked after. They only wanted to sell the house and having me hanging around, like a wraith after a funeral, was considered not to be an aid to a speedy sale. So accordingly, unloved and unloving, I ended up miserably in the refuge.
I suppose I was there about three weeks, when I was put into the back of a van and transported to an office block near the centre of the city. I knew I was going to a new situation, as I had overheard the wardens talking about me, before putting me in the vehicle. My fervent wish was that the new place would be better than the old. It could scarcely be any worse.
It did indeed prove to be a very pleasant surprise. The office was on the ground floor and there was a large enclosed garden at the back. I was given to understand, that my range extended all around the office and included the garden. This was likely to be a much better situation than my previous one. There was even a large sofa in one corner. It would make a perfect nest, for me to rest in after my duties were done.

Then I heard him calling me.
“What name shall I give you” he said. “I think Aphrodite, after the goddess of love, would be an appropriate name for such a lovely creature”.

His voice sounded so loving and kind, that I found myself falling in love with him almost immediately. For this man, no service would be too much. Even the sight of the ring on the hand, with which he affectionately stroked the nape of my neck, did not give pause to my ardour. What if he was married? His wife would scarcely be jealous of the new office cat. I purred contentedly, under the loving strokes of my new “boss”, while awaiting my chance to jump on the, ever so inviting, sofa.
If you enjoyed that, you are bound to enjoy this very funny ebook.
“The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama” Critically acclaimed and available from all Amazon sites.

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