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Subject: BBQ(part1)

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Date Posted: 04:11:10 07/20/03 Sun

yoz everyone, for those who missed the bbq on 19th, here's the update:

we had a gd time, big bird n gf, jerome n gf came too. food included sting rays that is a bit dry(mayb over cooked) selar(left quite a few fishes in the end,kind hearted terence wanted to fed the cats, but the cats may get food poision of the exposure in air,ha...soemore non halal cats dun take sambal), and sotong(which is ultra super power hot! no ones dare sae no kick...n i drank water till im full) prawns(that is cooked in sambal sauce,machm todae is chilli buffet)other food includes ice all time fav, vege salad, golden mushroom (in butter sauce) in the end zhen hui poured white wine into most of the dishes, taste quite nice too. satay and otah , sauages, crabmeat r oso part of the food, n we had an overdoze of food as some ppl elave very early, leaving few of us to finish the food, else we throwed away. henry became the satay cum charcoal man.....
dats all folks, me sleepy liao, continue the part 2 some dae...

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